An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a asset that has been tokenized on a blockchain and represents a unique asset whos ownership can be tracked and traced back to its original creator. What got me excited about this technology for my art was the prospect of traceability and the ability to receive royalties on the exchange of my art. I entered into this space in 2021 and have learned a lot about the ever evolving space as well as unique and exciting ways to display my art. Feel free to take a virtual walk around my gallery or scroll through any of my other works for sale below.

If you wish to purchase an NFT of my work, I’ve listed my work on a few different platforms:
My 1/1 stand alone pieces are listed on the original Foundation contract:

“Reflections of a Sunset”
This shot is from the 10 days I spent campervanning around New Zealand. I had planned to spend only one night camping at this location and when I arrived in the area, the mountain was covered by thick cloud cover. I had low expectations of even seeing the peak, let alone capturing a great shot but I made the climb anyway. As I hiked, a strong wind came off the ocean and lifted the clouds. I arrived at the tarn just in time for sunset and got quite the show!
Location: Mount Taranaki, New Zealand
Sold 1.5 ETH
“An Unlikely Sunset”
I didn’t think this one was going to work out. All the heavy cloud cover was preventing the sun from hitting the dunes as the sun was setting. In the last few moments the sun sank below the cloud line and cast light across the scene in front of me. The light kissed off of the side of the dunes and bottom of the clouds. Pockets of falling rain set aglow as they worked their way across the valley and the haze in front of the sun cleared away enough to allow the perfect sunburst to break through.
Location: Great Sand Dunes, Colorado
Reserve Price: 0.25 ETH
Buy it Now Price: 1.0 ETH

“Drooling Devil”
I stood at the water’s edge, with the Devil’s Teeth silhouetted in the background by the glow of the early morning sun. As I set up my shot, my plan was to capture some small flows of water cascading over the rocks, but a larger rush of water came in than expected and I just started firing off shots. I managed to capture the wave at the perfect moment where it appears to be a small waterfall cascading down the rocks.
Location: Senja, Norway
Sold: 0.25 ETH
“Sunrise Over Senja”
After a long and windy hike through the night, the vastness of the island of Senja laid out in front of me. I knew I needed to do a panorama in order to capture this complete scene, so I tested a number of compositions while the distant glow started to strengthen. Once I found this spot, I fixed my eyes on the horizon and waited for the sun to rise above the sprawling mountain range. This image captures the light as it raced across the fjord that morning, lighting peaks one by one.
Location: Senja, Norway
This image has been my most recognized image to date.
2021 IPA: Panorama category, 3rd Place
2021 Epson Pano awards 11th Place Overall
2020 Fine Art Awards Nominee
2020 Viewbug “My incredible Landscape Photo Contest” Grand Jury Winner
Reserve Price: N/A
Buy it Now Price: 3.0 ETH

The following has been minted on my own custom Manifold smart contract and belongs to the open Kyle Barden collection

“I am Still Here”
I captured this image while driving alone along the roads in northern Iceland. A snow storm had just started to kick up and I saw the iconic Icelandic horse in the field nearby. while others seemed to huddle together, this one stood alone staring at a pile of rocks. Based on the size and shape, it resembled a burial mound. “I am still here” are the whispers I could hear from the horse carried by the wind. This piece also serves as a personal statement to the NFT market. It was minted amidst a bear market where many others were exiting the space. I believe they are here to stay and so am I.
Location: Northern Iceland
Reserve Price: 0.25 ETH
Buy it Now Price: N/A
Panoramas: I have a 10 piece collection of Panoramic images listed called "Wicked Wide Ones". These were originally created as my first collection on the legacy opensea contract but in order preserve this collection I voided the old collection and reminted on my own manifold contract. The collection is now listed through foundation. It contains panoramic images that have been taken across the past decade and include my only minted work from the trip to Alaska That started my journey into photography.

Each piece is listed for 0.25 ETH (4/10 Available)

“Chasing Thor”
This piece leans much more to the digital art side of my creative process and was born from an image I captured in Senja Norway. The lightning and atmosphere have been added to pay homage to Norse mythology’s god of thunder, Thor. I happen to love Norse mythology and am excited to attach an extra personal element to my first edition.
This edition was minted on my own manifold contract and is an edition size of 25.
Price: 0.05 ETH
12/25 Available
“Destruction in the Heart of the Forest” i
100 Edition piece minted on my own smart contract. This set is part of a large collection called “Communitree” and is meant to be a companion project to the 1/1 series “Singulatree”
Price: 0.03 ETH
99/100 Available